585-353-7034 [email protected]


How to Rock Facebook Ads

How to Rock Facebook Ads

Average advertising results on Facebook are abysmal. And as a direct response copywriter, I'm struggling to understand why.  The average click through rate (CTR) is 0.90%, according to WordStream. And the average cost per click (CPC) is $1.72. The average cost per...

4 Steps to Absolute Mental Clarity

4 Steps to Absolute Mental Clarity

Hey there. Jamie Cassata, direct response copywriter here. These are confusing times. With the plethora of information, tasks, tools, and techniques before us, we live in an age of pathological complexity.  The brain isn't designed to process so many things at once....

The Right Way to Ask Questions in Your Copy

The Right Way to Ask Questions in Your Copy

Are you asking the right kinds of questions in your direct response copywriting? The kinds that glue your prospects' attention to your message ... and pump them full of endorphins and excited energy (as opposed to putting them to sleep)? Let's find out, real quick......

How to Sell with Magic

How to Sell with Magic

  In his book Human Universals, anthropologist Donald Brown detailed hundreds of behaviors he found universal to all humans--in all cultures and societies. These are important to recognize when you're a direct response copywriter. For example... music mythology...

Warning: Use This Copy Tactic with Caution

Warning: Use This Copy Tactic with Caution

How can your direct response copywriting get people to change their mind, so they'll reconsider that offer of yours that will help improve their lives? Boxing legend Floyd "Money" Mayweather recently changed his mind--coming out of retirement after a two-year hiatus...

Some Straight Talk About Direct Response Copy

Some Straight Talk About Direct Response Copy

Today, I'm going to reveal one of the biggest secrets of direct response copywriting. But first let me tell you how I discovered this secret... I've copied a lot of sales letters and landing pages by hand, for the sake of practice (an old copywriter's trick). Of...

Elite Marketers Love This “Trick”

Elite Marketers Love This “Trick”

As a direct response copywriter, I know a marketer who uses Facebook ads linking to an appointment scheduler, and guess what? The schedule is always pre-booked.  Why would he do such a dishonest and seemingly ineffective thing, you ask? Because of the principle of...