What your customers are really thinking
Crazy as it sounds, your customers see things that aren't really there. No, really. In fact, so do you ...and I ... and everyone else. Here's what I mean: The traditional model of vision is that data enters the eyes ... and the brain processes the reality of it. But...

A Quick Way to Beat Writer’s Block
Let's face it: sometimes writing sucks, and we'd rather be doing something--anything--else. Or we just don't know what to write. So what do we do? We either a) procrastinate, b) outsource it, or c) "white-knuckle" it (use willpower) and squeeze the words out of our...

Is Brand Awareness Overhyped?
Companies spend approximately a gazillion dollars a year on brand awareness campaigns to influence how their organizations are perceived and whether people will remember them. The idea behind this is... shape the perception... stir the memory... and maybe...

What Does Direct Response Copywriting Have to Do with Philosophy?
I'm a direct response copywriter in the peculiar situation of having a background in philosophy. And I've wracked my brains at times trying to figure out exactly how philosophy and direct response copywriting cross paths, if ever. Then I hit upon this phrase of Eugene...

The Direct Response Copywriting Hack No One’s Talking About
When I was in a doctoral program, I wrote logically. Then, as a direct response copywriter, I had to learn to write emotionally. Now, as a bit of a better direct response copywriter, I write emotionally logically. This is a legitimate "insider" secret in the direct...

How to Lose Customers and Alienate People
From: Jamie Cassata Direct Response Copywriter Rochester, New York Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. Centuries ago, most people (including many experts) believed in Geocentrism--the view that the earth is at the center of the solar system. Now, when it was discovered that the...

Find Out Your Copywriting Philosophy
What's your direct response copywriting philosophy? If you don't know, then your competitors who do know are almost certainly at your heels. I'm a nerd basically. One of my master's degrees is in philosophy, and I had a full scholarship to a PhD program in Houston...